
comeback to the second power

Hi guys. Long time no see.

I know I haven't posted anything recently because I was very busy (alasan standar) and I've just finished my end of year exam (cielah cuma 1 minggu doang). Hahaha so I'm planning to continue blogging. Also that I want to revamp this blog, but I'm just lazy enough not to do it. lol.



14 out of 24

LISTENING TO: Avril Lavigne - "Complicated (Tom Lord-Alge Mix)"

hi guys. it's been so long i've updated this blog. but i will update it...

this week has been so gratefully boring. well, because i didn't go to my hometown JAKARTA for the last two months, where i can eat sushi until i throw up and go to [veryyyyy, are far more than s'pore] luxurious malls to buy unlimited amount of cds. LEBAYYYYYY.

indeed, i started another peacefully days in school [sigh]. i must say, it's terribly boriiiing and i have no words again to explain this stuffey-stuffey. o ya, this is the record for me that i have slept for fourteen non-consecutive, precious hours over the last 24 hours. OMGGGG xD

for this week i've been addicted to two songs, at least. GaGa's "Telephone" and Lavigne's "Alice". They're f*ckin' cool!!!!!! i've listened to them for thousands times but i haven't got bored of these two pop masterpieces. haha.

i think i'm done with blogging today [unless something terribly phenomenal today happens]. bye.



Avril Lavigne - Alice (Music Video)

i love this song. really cool.

Avril Lavigne - Alice "Alice In Wonderland" Official Music
Uploaded by Lyricis. - See the latest featured music videos.


Back from Orchard!!

i'll post it in indonesian ya...

br balik dari orchard road. sama tante ifa sama om edi dan satu anaknya yg paling nakal yg pernah gue temuin (surpassing my cousins' hehehe).

jd kita naik pk taxi. ke lucky plaza dulu pertama-tama. eh, tp pas naik, si iqbal (nama sepupu gue yg masih kecil) memusatkan perhatiannya pd miniatur pesawat yg ada di depan uncle taxi. dia mau, tp g dibolehin, jd ngambek deh. wuilih.

lucky plaza, kita makan di restoran indonesia hahahahhahaa. gue pesen bakmi ayam bakso. harganya S$5.80, yg bnr aja!!!!! ya tp bgitulah singapura. majulah singapura, tp jgn maju dong harganya LOL.

habis itu solat dulu, trus ke takashimaya. tante ifa mau ke kinokuniya, trus gue ke gramophone, tmpt di mana dea hampir meninggal gara-gara nemuin album avenge sevenfold yg ada bonus dvd making of albumnya gitu deh. lama bgt gue nyarinya, g nemu-nemu, bingung sih. tau-tau nemu deh EP (extended play, lebih pendek drpd album) lady gaga, "LoveGame (The Remixes)" dan "Paparazzi (The Remixes)". tp kok harganya bisa bed ya, yg lovegame 17 dollar while paparazzi 13 dollar. here are the pics:

otomatis gue beli, sama dvd film DreamGirls yg starring beyoncé sama jennifer hudson. total S$50.30. gue sebenernya menghemat duit cuman buat bli cd doang hahahahahahhaaha jd berlimpah cd deh d sini. udh sekitar 13an atau brp

trus tante ma om nungguin dgn sabarnya. habis itu naik bus ke plaza singapura. ktnya mo servis hp tante yg rusak, tp tak ada ternyata. habis itu nungguin di carrefour, mo beli roti dan dairy products buat sarapan. and we went home at 4.45 p.m waktu singapura.

hasilnya? capek bgt, di sinagpore kebanyakan jalan haha. tp bgs juga agar kaki berotot buat yg tiap hari pknya mobil ~.~ anyway, besok sekolah lagi!!!! argh males.

bye, see ya next time


4 weeks journal in S'pore: Pt. 1- the first week

well, hello guys, i want to post something about my life in S'pore.

so i came here since dec 27th last year, via Batam, because my parents said the fare was much cheaper than via Changi. i stayed at Ritz Carlton Millenia, Marina, as they said, the center of crowds in S'pore during New Year's Eve. bit i think my father had gone insane if we stayed at that hotel, since it was an expensive hotel (not being snob...) and we stayed there when the holiday season (plus internet)!!!!

my school is greenridge sec school, at bukit panjang, as MOE mentioned on the call letter. i didn't have to take any admission test since i applied for scholarships program held by MOE (which i didn't get it full, but hell, i got merit award for it!). so first thing, i needed to translate my birth certificate (akte kelahiran) into english to indonesian embassy there. they said it would be finished in a day, so i had to come back tomorrow. next day, i took the translation as well as true copy of my birth certificate. then i went to ICA (some kind of immigration stuffs in s'pore) to take my student pass alongside with my parents and my father's friend (he's been helping so much to get me in S'pore). i met my father's friend's wife, who had also took care much of these stuffs. it took a FULL DAY to get my student pass. wuiw.

after that, i forget what date, i bought so many stuffy stuffeys at IKEA, including cupboard, table, chair, and a sofa bed. oh yes, i forgot to tell i stayed at my auntie's flat at bukit batok. the IKEA people told me they could deliver my stuffs within a week. such a long time...

next, after buying stuffs, me and my parents went to my father's friend's own restaurant. he opened a restaurant "HOUSE OF SOTO". well, i ordered rawon there and it's [excuse me] fucking delicious!!!!! then after finishing my meal, i went to the cashier, and i found that the person in cashier told me "sudah dibayar sama om malik [my father's friend name]", then what else to do??? hahah.

part 2 will come out later ya, hahah